Why am I feeling like this?

My period is due tomorrow & earlier today I went for a jog for the first time in a couple of weeks but no biggie. I'm used to feeling sore after not working out for a while but this time, later in the night my stomach felt so queasy. And it was only in my stomach. It was also just feeling like it was cramping or contracting ever since I got home from the jog. I know running works your abdominal muscles and all but this cramping was so unusual. Like I said, it had me feeling queasy. And my diet has nothing to do with it. I ate the appropriate things before & after the run. I also got a headache directly after the jog, but it didn't last long. & now I have another random one & it's getting pretty intense. Wtf is going on? My period isn't due until tomorrow & this is NOT usually how my body preps up for my period. There is a 50% chance that I could be pregnant & my period won't show tomorrow but like, is this normal? I know headaches & things are usual symptoms but like I said, my period isn't due until tomorrow so it's too early!