So I minding my own business when I thought I ovulated. A week ago on cycle day 13-14 but I actually had cramps cycle days 19-20 severe so I decided to
opk cycle 20 I ovulated positive smiley face I oed late this cycle do to a cycle of 30days /so skip to it I bd exactly 5 days ago and today! when I got the smiley opk! Also ladies this was accompanied with cramping abdominal discomfort which I only get when ovulating . Are my chances still high?? For pregnancy did I need to
BD 2days before O? that's it - do I have a chance y'all please comment and share a experience . I am confused hopefully we did it I am also 13 days away from Af here's my chart with correct day of ovulation. Charted when I got practice opk on 2/18 thanks
baby dust to all ttcing