Cheating Husband

I have had the worse week of my life, last Monday I found out that my husband had a baby on the way with a coworker. I'm currently 6 months and have a 2 year old. I left my home last week when I found out and had a mini vacation to Disney world with my toddler. I come home today to find my husband sitting in the living room with friends like nothing has ever happened. This man even tried to hug and kiss me hello. I asked his company to leave, this man gets upset and says that I have no right to tell anyone to leave the home since I left him last week. I told him that if I didn't leave I would have probably burned the house down with him in it. I needed time to cool off but now I want to talk to my husband about our future. I love this man but I need to take a break for a while. I can't take this stress. I want to try and see if we can work things out but I also want to grab my shit and my kids things and run far away from this man as possible. 
I haven't told any family members yet because I don't want to deal with their opinions. Has anyone else gone through something like this and came out with their marriage still intact?