rant about recruiters

I dislike when I contact accredited programs about going back to school and they call non stop I had 15 missed calls from them since Friday when I contacted them... today I spoke with someone who kept trying to pressure me about coming in tomorrow and i told her that was last minute for me and tomorrow won't do because my children have off from school and I don't have arrangements for someone to watch them.. she responded bring them with you I responded no I will not you asked me what day is good for me and I responded Wednesday, she then says well my first available is tomorrow by this time I am becoming agitated because I have been called so many times. I firmly said I can come Wednesday and if THATS AN INCONVENIENCE FOR YOU  I can set up a tour with someone else she then said no no Wednesday is fine... we hang up not even 2 hours later someone calls to confirm my meeting with them... now I am feeling overwhelmed by them and I will definitely let them know because I had so many missed calls and not 1 voicemail and on top of that the times I did answer the hung up on me 3 times when I did answer...  and I got one email stating someone has contacted me and to contact them at my earliest convenience... my husband said to go and let them know that I was highly instersted in their school but was harassed by the calls and the fact that the recruiter couldn't pronounce the name of the street the school is on or the information about the accreditation of the school she sound like she was reading from a script because when I had question about the course and what they cover she told me they will have it together in a packet when I come for my tour and enrollment I told her just cause I am touring with your school doesn't mean I will enroll the same day