your take on the matter?

So my mom is very conservative, while me and my sister are liberals. Today my sister and I were talking about white privelege and such when my sister said "A lot of white people are worried about becoming the minority here in a few years. It's almost like minorities are treated poorly here or something." And my mom goes "We already are." And this made me kind of mad to be honest. So I said "oh my god. How?" And she was like "Well white men aged 18-35 are the minority in America, but nobody cares at all because they're white" and I'm like "no mom white people are the majority for sure." And she then said "there's less white men but nobody gives them special treatment like the other minorities only because they're white" and I said "nobody gives minorities special treatment. They're minorities. The white people are the ones with privelege." And then my dad told us to stop because it made him uncomfortable. What is your stance on this?