the struggle is real

My fiancé and I have been together for 2 years now about 8 months into the relationship I had a miscarriage. It was quick and very unexpected. We always used protection except when in the shower and even then he would always pull out at least a minute before coming. I had no idea I was pregnant. I woke up every morning gagging but it was winter and I always get a lingering cold that the me of year so I assumed it was cause of mucus. I worked at a restaurant that had Friday fish fry and the smell made me want to vomit every time I went near the kitchen but it's fish so I just didn't think much of it. I was tired all the time but I worked long hours and was always on my feet. When my breast became very sensitive and hard we assumed it was cancer before the thought that I could be pregnant. But when I finally noticed I had missed a period by 2 weeks I took a test and it was very faintly positive. I was in denial and didn't except it at first. I am 4 years older than my fiancé and my biological clock started ticking when I was 18. I come from a big family and I have always wanted to be a mom. I'm glad it never happened when I wanted it to when I was young but there was definitely room for accidents. I had been in a relationship with a mad previous to my fiancé who wanted to have kids right then too. We had unprotected sex for 9 months with no pregnancy. I have been concerned I couldn't conceive for about 7 years now. When I finally accepted that I might be pregnant it's like I scared it out. It seemed the next day I got a strange discharge and bad cramping. I went to the er to confirm pregnancy and was confirmed that I was already miscarring. I was heart broken. I was finally pregnant without even trying and it was gone in the same breath. Doctors guessed I was around 5 weeks. We were told not to try again for 3 months and then we got engaged! We put it on the back burner to focus on getting married first. But now my mom is dying and the wedding has been moved up till a month from now. We don't know how much time my mom has left but I desperately want to have a baby before anything happens so she can be apart of it. So my fiancé agreed to try. I'm terrified that it won't happen and incredibly impatient! My fiancé doesn't understand cause he's more concerned about me being able to drink at our wedding 🙄