heartbroken 💔

Anyone else going through a breakup? I'm beside myself. He's ended it with several times during the two months we've been together, but this time it seems permanent. We moved quickly, was a mutual decision, but at the end of the day he didn't know what he wanted, didn't know if he really loved me (despite him saying it first), he only wants to be with me part of the time. It hurts. Hearing these things has damaged me more than I ever was before. It could have worked and would have worked if he'd let me help him fight his demons along side him verus running and pushing me away. Lost someone I truly cared about and wanted to see him succeed. See us succeed. My dating life is equivalent to being told you're "over qualified" for a job. Tired of being told I'm "too good" but no guys trying to be "better" themselves- if that's what they think needs to be done to be with me.Â