Hypnnic Jerks...?

Nessie • 💐
I just had one of the worst sleeping experiences I've ever had. I went to take a nap nothing unusual for me & when I shut my eyes it was like I was dreaming & thinking things that I couldn't control while also thinking to myself "is this a panic attack?" "Am I being possessed?" I was asking myself many questions while this was going on. I jerked to wake myself up at one point because I thought something had hit me in the face. But nothing actually happened I just invisioned it. I was freaking out to say the least. I looked online & something called hypnnic jerks describes something very similar to what happened to me. Does anyone have any of the same experiences or similar stories? Also I'm ttc & ive heard from many momma's that you have weird vivid dreams so could something like this be a early sign of pregnancy? Or is this something I should be concerned with?