So my husband and I didn't go see my mil today (we usually go on sundays for dinner but us and our son were just tired and I had homework to do). She didn't call or text to say she wanted us over, which is great because she's the kind of person to guilt trip you into doing something. 
Then she decides to post on all her kids, daughter in laws and her dad and husbands pages with these like pictures. Okay. Mine is the only one who comes off as kind of rude. Some backstory is that I'm not a good housecleaner, my husband knows this and has known since we got together okay. Well he complained to his mom one time like 7 months ago WHILE I WAS HEAVILY PREGNANT that I didn't clean he was forced to clean the house after he got off from work. If you've ever been 9 mos pregnant, that shit is hard and just getting up from sitting is exhausting. Mind you, I cleaned everyday for as long as I could before I started getting cramps or got tired or had homework. Well since then she kind of like holds it above my head and makes me feel "bad" about my spouse helping me clean (on his off days) because "I'm at home so I should clean, make myself pretty, take care of our son, do homework and have dinner ready" by the time he gets home. 
ANYWAY, I showed my husband and he goes "just let it go, it's a joke"
I don't find this funny. Yes I said hah, love you on it but I'm not about to start drama on this on social media. Would you be pissed too?? Or am I just overreacting?? 
Note** she's always been super like obnoxious about what I should or shouldn't do as his wife (even while we were dating) and how I need to be with my "wifely duties" and while pregnant she picked a fight with me and tried to put my husband against me