Miracles DO happen ❤


My mom has a 7 year old Shi Tzu named Dexter. He's been a member of this family since the day she brought him home.

Thursday, Dexter started acting strange. The normally well behaved dog was peeing in the house, wouldn't eat his food, and even snapped at my brother.

Friday, things got worse. We noticed a small amount of blood in his urine. We assumed it was a UTI, so we gave him plenty of water, some antibiotics, and lots of snuggles.

My mom took him to the vet first thing Saturday morning. They told her that Dexter has a form of kidney stones that dogs cannot pass and that he is in a lot of pain. Our options were either a $5000+ surgery, or we had to put him down.

My mom doesn't have that kind of money. None of us do. There was nothing we could do.

My mom brought him home with plans to have him put down on Monday.

Its now Sunday night. My mom is a bar tender on the weekends. She was at work tonight, extremely emotional about our poor Dexter. A friend of hers asked her what was wrong and she broke down and told him. He left for about an hour, then returned with the money to get Dexter the surgery! My mom's friends sister works with a charity for shelters and she wants to help us! We don't have to say goodbye to our dog! He's going to be okay!

Despite whatever may be going on in the world right now, there are good people. Miracles do happen!

My heart is full of love right now. God is on my side ❤❤❤