Just so you girls know. If you ask to get tested and she just has you give a urine sample instead of the swab tell her you want the swab. I went and they took urine. I just had a gut feeling they were wrong, so I went back and wanted the swab.... they missed Ureaplasma urealyticum and BV!! They missed it Twice!! When I first got tested with a urine sample and then another doc asked for a urine sample for the follow up After it should have been cured and they said negative. I Just got a swab again because I don't trust the urine test and I still have it. She tells me you don't need to treat it because some docs don't even test for it. That is bullshit. It isn't a problem apparently,but when you are pregnant it is a huge problem. It Can cause miscarriage and premature birth. Do not trust Urine sample tests! And also don't listen to doctors without doing your research. How could she tell me it is okay to have an Infection? Maybe my doctor is just not too bright