CrAzY Birth Story!

Kelly • Wife to Steven ❤️ • Mommy to Steven Micheal & Avery Grace 💛 • Jeremiah 29:11

So I had this written out for a while now, but I'm just getting around to posting it! The (crazy) birth of my beautiful baby girl... 💕 

It was a Friday afternoon (1/6/17) and right around 12 in the afternoon I lost my mucus plug. I had been losing buts and pieces of it for the last few weeks but that time there were strings of blood in it... so I knew things were moving along. FINALLY. I was almost 4 days overdue at that point. 

After that I had diarrhea a few times and small contractions throughout the day. By dinner time I still wasn't too bad but I was pretty uncomfortable. By 7-7:30pm I started having contractions maybe every 10-15 minutes, but they still were tolerable. THEN by 8:30-9:00 I called the doctor to ask them what they thought because I was having contractions every 10 minutes. 😱 I knew I was in labor but I didn't want to go to the hospital too early. I had already gone before and got sent home because I wasn't dilating and with a toddler at home I didn't want to leave unless I absolutely had to. 

The doctor said to wait and see if they got to be 5-7 minutes apart, and go in if they did... so I hung up the phone and then IMMEDIATELY my contractions jumped from 10 minutes apart to about 5-6 minutes apart. And they HURT. I could hardly get changed and get into the car! I was already in tears at that point. 😪

I think it was around 10:45pm or so when my husband rushed me to the hospital and when we got there I got about half way to labor and delivery and couldn't walk anymore. I was in so much pain. The contractions came maybe every 2-3 minutes by then. A nurse happened to see us and got me into a wheelchair and got me up to the floor I needed to be on. It took about a half hour to get me in and signed in and I was DYING trying to fill out the papers. But I was still calm (and in tears).

I guess it was around 11:30-11:45pm when they got me back to triage. 

Well, I didn't even make it to the bed before my water broke all over the floor. By that point I could not move. My husband literally had to strip me and put my gown on for me! The pain didn't go away anymore. The nurses ran in and started trying to hook me up to my IV and stuff as FAST as they could, but by the time they started working on me I started feeling some crazy pressure. They checked me and I was 9cm. After she checked me I looked at my husband and said, "I have to push!" She was COMING. 

The nurses literally dropped everything they were doing and started unplugging everything and pushing my bed into the delivery room and telling me to wait and not to push and I was just crying and yelling how much it hurt. 

Next thing I know I'm being lifted onto the other bed and I look over and blood and gunk was all over the other bed and suddenly I'm pushing and screaming with the doctor and nurses in there surrounding me. They talked about getting the NICU ready so I kept asking if she was okay and they said she was fine.

Finally, at 12:10am, 1/7/17, she was out. I think I pushed for maybe 10 minutes. No one even knew she was born. It happened SO FAST. 

Later I started to lose consciousness due to blood loss and they had to keep checking me internally for clotting and that was a really painful process too. They kept me in the delivery room and monitored me all night... then when the morning hit they moved me and the baby to another room. 

Overall everyone was awesome. The nurses, the doctor, my husband... I couldn't have had better people around me. It was just so insane! I've never been in that much pain in my life. Avery Grace burst into this world like a firecracker. 💜 And it literally took her maybe 15 minutes from when my water broke. 

I have only had an epidural with my son before... so going naturally, and without being prepared, was the scariest thing ever. 

But that's the story more or less! My daughter was worth all of it. She is the best. 💕 But I have to admit, I don't know when I'll consider Baby #3 after al of that! 😉