Tax credits.


Many people I know have been blasting all kinds of new purchases on social media. Most I'm not in contact with anymore. I do know they receive a tax credit though. I don't honestly care what they do. I just am unsure of some of the purchases they make. One is showing off new boobs🙄 She is currently homeless and living in a shelter. It made me wonder what most people use the credit towards. Do you take advantage of it and get ahead? I have four children and it has always had a designated use every single year. My husband and I live comfortable and have no immediate needs to spend on this year. We are very simple and live that way regardless of how much money is in our account. We currently have a large savings. It was acquired by pinching every last penny and hard work. This year we will be using 6 of our 9,000+ to clear up my remaining student loans. I am so ecstatic to be resolving my debt and being done with it!!! The rest will go into savings. We treat ourselves to one eat out. We never eat out so to us it is a very nice treat. What will you be purchasing that you are most in need/excited about?

I'm not trying in any way to be judgemental in regards to any spending! Each family lives differently and not everyone is as simple as me. That is perfectly okay😊 I'm just genuinely curious how it may affect your life.