Girl in need of friend help

So a little back story. I left this friend back in 8th grade because I was an asshole. For 3 years, I did not have any girlfriends, but I didn't really mind it because I have a boyfriend. But I've realized I need a friend and she took me back. Neither of us had any friends. For the past month, I've bought her food and she's offered to drive me home everyday after school. Her parents don't know that I've bought her $30-$40 worth of food and don't know she's the one who wants to drive me. She's bought me coffee once and that's all her parents know. So now her parents think I'm the shit friend from middle school that mooches off of her money and her car. She won't tell her parents that I'm not the bad influence because she doesn't want to get in trouble for lying and getting lunch when she's not supposed to leave for lunch. I need some help on what i should do. Thank you very much 💕