Our natural childbirth plan went out the door for this beautiful little man

Our natural childbirth plan went out the door for this beautiful little man! But it was well worth it... 
54 hours of labor. Water broke and had lots of meconium in it. I puked constantly so didn't eat all through labor (honey and water- I held that down for a whole 6 hours once!). His head was stuck in one place and when his heart rate became weak we headed from the Birthing Center to Kaiser. They watched me for a while, found high temperature, elevated white blood cell count, and gave me 3 bags of fluid. Then his heart rate started dropping in each contraction but I wasn't fully dilated so when we tried to push (3 times) he wouldn't budge.  Went from 3 days of all natural to a few hours in hospital with all the interventions. Had him via cesarean birth just before it would have become qualified as an emergency. Placenta was ruined due to exposure to the meconium so even the encapsulation plan was dashed. What a trip. But somehow I'm just sure it's all happened in the best way possible.