Mom's mad at me because of using birth control

Hey guys. 
There is this thyroid disease running through my family. Since I showed the same symptoms as my sister (who has problems with her thyroid), I decided to go to the doctor to get my blood checked. 
I apparently HAD Pfeiffer's (didn't even notice it, which is really weird). But it wouldn't explain my symptoms (having an irregular menstrual cycle for 4 years now since my first time menstruating, sweating a shit load, hair growth on places I don't want it to grow and it being visible, tiredness). She said that I might have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). I need to take the birth control pill, to check whether it's just an unbalanced hormone level, or really PCOS. They would be able to make this out by checking on me and whether I still am irregularly menstruating. If the pill doesn't change anything, it's likely that I have PCOS. 
So I need to take that pill.
I told my mom about this, and she was like 'you're too young for birth control!!!' She totally missed the point where I said I had Pfeiffer's, she completely skipped that. 
I get that I'm young, but I'm not using birth control to prevent getting knocked up as I'm not sexually active (I'm just 14). 
She said she had experience with the pill and that I shouldn't listen to my doctor (which I find complete nonsense as my doctor has studied for years in order to become a doctor and has years of experience with women with the same problems).
What do you think of me using birth control?
Do you think my opinion on my mother's reaction is fair?
What do you think of my mom's opinion?
I just really find it unfair. She wouldn't even care if I would have PCOS. If I would find out I have it, it's all because of that pill. So well yeah, I need it to find that out.