I need friend advice! Please read then comment with the letter you identify with PLEASE!

I need some advice from as many of you as possible please. <3

Say you introduced your best friend of 10+ years (let's call them Emma) to a friend that you were not super close to, but someone you met through work and were just friends with (lets call them Olivia). Emma and Olivia became better friends than you and Olivia ever were. A and you were still obviously way closer, but Emma and Olivia obviously had a good connection that you and Olivia never really developed. It slightly bothered you but when you talked to Emma about it, Emma explained that they would do whatever you wanted them to, but that Emma really enjoyed their friendship with Olivia and it was really benefiting them. You decided to let it go because you love Emma and want Emma to have friends and you know that Emma has a hard time making connections. You and Olivia are not as close anymore for no real reason. You eventually tell Emma that you don't really want to be super good friends with Olivia, that Olivia is annoying, but that you will tolerate being around Olivia at parties or whatever with Emma. Fast forward a year and Emma is getting married. Olivia wants to stand up in Emma's wedding, but Emma is having a really intimate wedding and only people standing up are people who Emma has known most/all of Emma's life. Emma decides to give Olivia a "reader" role in Emma's wedding, where Olivia will stand up and do a reading. To Emma, this is a huge honor as only family were invited to Emma's wedding, so to be a part of Emma's wedding is even a bigger honor than being invited. It is really opening up Emma's heart and being very vulnerable to share Emma's wedding with others. You and her sister are her maid of honor, and really you are her #1 maid of honor because you stand next to her at the ceremony and sit next to her at the dinner. Other than a few posts about Emma's wedding, you haven't "liked" anything on Olivia's social media posts. You haven't really talked outside of Olivia being at events of you go to with Emma. Two months after Emma gets married, Olivia decides to no longer be friends with Emma for no reason that is really good enough to end such an important friendship. Emma is really heart broken. Not only does Emma now feel regretful for letting someone be a part of such an intimate day as Emma's wedding and feels pain when watching the wedding video, but Emma really tried to fix things with Olivia and Olivia just ignored Emma. Now it has been about 5 months since Emma and Olivia have talked and Emma still holds a lot of pain over losing Olivia as a friend. Emma thinks about Olivia all the time and wonders what Emma could have done differently. Emma feels so much pain in regards to all of it. If you all the sudden are friends with Olivia, Emma will be really hurt. Emma has told you that it would feel like a real betrayal to Emma as you are Emma's best friend of 10+ years and Emma expects you to have Emma's back no matter what. Emma has told you that Emma doesn't expect you to be rude to Olivia if you happen to see Olivia, but asks you to avoid any contact with Olivia besides random run ins as Olivia really hurt Emma and Emma wants to feel like you have Emma's back.

As Emma's best friend of 10+ years, you:

A. Side with Emma no matter what. No one wrongs your best friend.

B. Decide to be cordial to Olivia if you see Olivia on accident or randomly, but that's it. You don't comment on Olivia's social media posts, etc. You don't have a friendship with Olivia at all.

C. Decide that whatever happened between Emma and Olivia is not your business. You are allowed to be friends with whoever you want and decide to start a friendship with Olivia regardless of it hurting Emma.

D. Feel like Emma is acting like you are dating. No one tells you who to and not to be friends with. 

E. Other: please explain.