Holy sh** ...I felt it all.

This one is a doozy. Went in on 2/15 at 5 pm and started induction. I was only 1cm dialated but was being induced due to GD. They started me on cervadil and all seemed to be going well, I was contracting regularly every 2 minutes so they took it out. Contractions continued but became further and further apart. So around 7am on 2/16 they did a check and I was still only 1cm. They placed in a fouly bulb or whatever it's called and things seemed to progress again. 11 am the bulb fell out and I was at 4cm, so they broke my water, started pitocin and suggested I start an epidural, so we did. All seemed to be going well again. Contractions were 5 mins apart lasting about a minute. Did numerous checks through out the evening and I was still at 4cm. Fast forward to the next day 2/17. Doc comes in at 7am, STILL only 4cm. So we decided to see what happened by 11am...STILL only 4cm. noon we decided it's best to just do a csection. Here is where Shit gets real. They prep me and take me back, my left side was more numb than the right so they did a few things to get me evened out. Doc starts poking me lightly with a needle to see if I could feel it...I could. Apparently they thought I was full of it because they continued with the procedure. I FELT EVERYTHING. it wasn't just a little "tugging and pulling" no...it was Fucking painful. I felt them cut me, I felt them pull her out, I felt them do everything. It was terrible. I kept yelling "I feel it I feel it why does it hurt. Its not supposed to hurt. Its burning why is it burning? Why does it hurt" hubby says all their faces were terrified...then They pulled her out...showed her to me and I flat lined for about 3 seconds. Obviously I'm okay now but let me tell you...DO NOT TAKE THE EPIDURAL TOO EARLY! Anesthesiologist said that because I had it so early I built up a tolerance and that's why I felt it. In the end thoufh, it was all worth it for my beautiful little Vivian Elaine 💗 6lbs7oz 18.5 inches 💗 born 2/17/17 at 1:19 pm 💗