Entitlement 🙄

Why are people so fucking entitled now a days?! 
My husband and I are selling a few things we don't use on a reselling app and everyone is honestly driving me nuts. 
They want us to deliver things to them, they want us to lower the price for them, they want us to give them gas money because they live far away.. 
like, um no. 
How about you stop being lazy and cheap? You see something you want to buy? Look at the price it's listed for and expect to pay that price. You live too far? Too damn bad, not my problem. I honestly don't get where these people get off making demands for these things. You wouldn't go to Walmart and try to ask for a lower price so don't come to me doing the same. 
I really can't stand people like this. 😤
•Let me add, these aren't big items that need a truck to transport. It's a gaming system, a small tv and video game equipment/games. There is no reason other than laziness that people cannot come get the items they want. Last time I checked, I wasn't dominos pizza and my car is not a taxy service.