Help?? (Bacterial Infection)

Hi. I'm 17 years old. virgin. But when i was about 12 i started noticing odor and bumps,excessive discharge, itchiness, basically a lot of the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. i tried getting rid of it on my own because i thought it was simply from bad hygiene, but after two years it never went away. So i went to the gynecologist this fall and i got 3 antibiotics prescribed for A Uti,(finished and threw away the bottle),odor and excessive discharge symptoms (metronidazole) that i started and finished about a month ago, and for the bumps (cephalexin). But not too long later my doctor told me to stop taking Cephalexin before i even got the chance to open it because she felt like the bumps that i've been getting for years that are large,painful,and itchy,  are just hormonal and are the same as if i were to get it on my face. She encouraged that i should just treat it myself but that's what i've been doing for years! I'm sick of feeling so disgusted with my body and i really need this infection to go away. Would it be a bad idea to take the medication anyway? is it too much after taking the other antibiotics ? should i wait or see another gynecologist? Please help and if you. know any other remedies and why i am experiencing so many problems at such a young age while being a virgin please explain :(