Birth stories of early induction due to size?

Hi ladies, I'm 33 weeks tomorrow and at my midwife appointment last week I was sent for a growth scan. Baby has been measuring significantly larger than average at my 12, 19 and 20 week bcscans and at 32 weeks it was no different, with baby measuring on the 95th centile. When I saw my OB afterward she said we'd repeat the growth scan at 36 weeks and if my baby is still measuring large I'll be induced at 38 or 39 weeks (I was a little annoyed she phrased this in a way that it sounded like I wouldn't have a say! Lol).
While I'm happy to have my baby come into the world a week or two earlier, I'd prefer for it to be because he was ready and came naturally rather than being induced.. in saying that, though, I am a pretty small woman and would run a higher risk of c-section if I were to go to 40 weeks or beyond with such a large baby, but I've heard induction before baby is ready can result in c-section aswell, so while I do lean towards waiting til my due date at the very least, I am a little all over the place, worried and undecided.
So I was wanting to basically hear any stories from mamas who induced early due to the suspected size of their baby and what your experience was. Thanks in advance for any stories or words of advice (:
Also, as a little side-note/side-question, I've heard a lot that growth scans can be notoriously incorrect, eg predicting a nine pounder that was really only seven. But considering baby has been measuring consistently big and not just once at the end of pregnancy, would I be right in assuming that in this case my growth scan is probably quite correct?