
so I've known this guy best friend for years. he's always wanted a relationship with me but just was always to scared to try. I adore him but he's a confusing person. he desperately wants love and will be with anyone willing to give it to him. he is single and again wants to try. but I'm in a relationship. and my relationship is a crazy mess. he hates me family and most of my friends never wants me to work he has a terrible temper (he would never hit me) but he hits himself his truck walls door etc. got to the point i had a panic attack. he's been super sweet since then but I told him I was planning on leaving him and he begged me to give our relationship another chance. even after months of telling him I can't handle his temper because he has limited control of his anger. and he acts like he has full control over my life and like I should answer to him.

I do care deeply about my friend but I don't want a relationship with him and my love is a great person but I can't handle his anger it really scares me especially when he starts hitting and throwing things. I've been is horrible relationships where it was black and blue and when he gets angry all I can think is to hide.

should I just stay single?