HELP is she into me?

Is my coworker/ friend into me?
A few nights ago her, a few friends and myself went bar hoppingand of course all the bars are packed. At one of the bars we had to walk through a crowd of people. She ended up walking behind me and in attempt to stay together she put her hands on my shoulders, no biggie. But then she ended dropping one hand and holding the back of my neck with the other hand and  started to gently rub my neck. This completely caught me off guard because she is in a relationship and we have only been friends for a month so we don't have that deep of a relationship yet. she then proceeds to move her hands to my waist untill we got to the bar. I tried not to read into this until the next bar. There, we went through another crowd and instead of grabbing my arm to pull me through she grabs my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine, and when we got to the bar she doesn't let go. She ended up holding my hand for a good few minutes till I eventually let go. Then when we decide to leave, and she made sure too grab my hand again and intertwine her fingers with mine. Also I in know way provoked any of this. And Keep in mind my bestfriend is lesbian and I've known her for 20+ years and her and I never interact like this. Is she into me or am I reading into this?