am I pregnant

I had unprotected sex on the 14 of February and he didn't ejaculate..he was no where close to it.  I take birth control everyday, but I have a uti/yeast infection so the doctor said the antibiotics might cause it not to work. Plus my ovulation date passed since the first day of my last period was January 24 and it's a 28 day cycle. My ovulation date was 2/12/17 according to my trackers. My period is suppose to come either today or within 5 days from now. I'm on the white pills of my birth control or the inactive pills. I've been having spotting today. I never spot. When I wipe I see blood. I have mild cramps. I'm so stressed out. I took a test it came out negative. I'm in the 3 day of the inactive pills but my body usually sends cramps indicating my period is about to start on the 2 day of me taking the inactive pills but I got only mild cramps.