I'm very late on my birth story.

lizzie • 28. Mommy to a 7 year old little girl, and a 3 year old little boy. pregnant with baby #3 🤰🏼
Sorry I'm late, my daughter was born 11.18.16, 5lbs 12oz. That was on a Friday..
So Wednesday night I was up allll night having contractions, but me being me, I just thought they were Braxton hicks. All day Thursday I was having contractions like 5-6 minutes apart & finally I decided to call my Dr. Office instead of going into work (because I was gonna try to go.. I work at a daycare so that would've been interesting 😂) So they told me to go ahead and head up to the hospital since we lived an hour away. My mom took me up there & we got caught in a traffic jam & all I kept saying was "thank god my water hasn't broke yet!" Still dealing with these awful contractions, we finally made it to the hospital & my now fiancé was there waiting on us. When we got up to the maternity part, they checked my cervix and said I was only dilated at like a 1, and I was super bummed.. but had me walk around for 1 hour and then said they'd check me again to see if I dilated anymore. So we walked for an hour, they checked me again.... I was only dilated to almost a 2. I was really irritated because I knew I was gonna be having my baby girl soon. They almost sent me home but decided to check my blood pressure first and they started worrying because it was way too high, so they ran into the room I was in and said they were gonna induce me. I was so freaking nervous, but knew I had to push this baby out! They got me back to the room and got all the medication started and then the contractions got worse, but I kept my cool. Finally they could give me some Nubian and that helped for a little bit, but by like 4AM they were ready to give me the epidural, and omg was that amazing lol. There was one spot in my leg that I still felt contactions but later realized it was because my daughters head was on a nerve in my leg 🙃. Finally at like 10 something they told me to start pushing and by 11:23 AM, Reagan was here!! It was the best experience in my life & would do it all over again for my baby girl! She was due on thanksgiving, but came 6 days early!!