break up or no?

Asking for a friend, I said leave him but she wants more women's input. 
Her son was admitted into the hospital yesterday. She's been seeing this guy for roughly two years, he claims to love her even with a child. Well, they had planned a trip that she had to cancel her part because her son was admitted into the hospital. She's giving him updates until her phone dies, he read all of the (iPhone users) didn't reply and is giving her the silent treatment ( phone is off, she called from my phone to make sure she wasn't blocked. 
I told her if he can't be emotionally supportive when his girlfriends child is admitted to the hospital then he doesn't need to be a part of their lives.
She says she wants to give him the benifit of the doubt because she knows he cares. 
I just don't believe in consequences, so him reading messages and now phone is off raises issues for me. 
What y'all think?