
This month was supposed to go so good for TTC. My husband, who works out of town, was home every day in my fertile week. BUT...we were all sick! We felt better come the weekend and so we bd'd Saturday, the 11th. Well after BD, I felt twinges in my right side. I decided to take another Ovulation test (my test from earlier that day was neg) and it was crazy positive! So we bd'd again Saturday night/Sunday morning. But then it was time for him to go back out of town for the week. Also, on Sunday, I had a close, but not completely positive OPK. I took two Pregnancy test this week, both negatives. AF due Sunday. I have already scheduled an appointment with my doctor since this makes over 12 months of TTC. What do you ladies think? Was bd'ing on my peak day and the morning after not enough? I know it only takes once but I'm still not very familiar with <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a>. We just use the no prevention method.