So ready to meet my little one! 34w6d

I'm 35 weeks tomorrow and started weekly checks today. Not dilated or effaced. Had an ultrasound. Baby is weighing 5lb11oz. Mommy and daddy agree baby has mommy's nose.
Ultrasound on 01/11/17 showed baby at 3lb7oz and 75th percentile so I was scared about having a possible 10lb baby. Today we are in the 49th percentile so I guess I can wash some of those newborn clothes now!
Baby shower was this past Saturday and because we did not find out the gender people found it hard to buy gifts even though I have two registries. Oh well. We have a lot of blankies and diapers for sure! The rest is small stuff that we don't have to have so I'm not stressing about it. Just doing last minute things to prepare before baby makes its arrival!