

I ovulated last night! I felt it happen and as a confirmation, my ovulation test I took this morning was positive.

We've also been much more consistent with the business time, three out of the four days in our peak time so far including this morning which happened before I took my ovulation test. I'm trying not to get too excited but I am failing hard guys.

My husband has anxiety and depression and he works nights and I work days, all things not ideal with being consistent with the sexy time. We've been trying for a year and a half. Our biggest problem has been having consistent sex and this month we finally got a good rhythm.

I'm also super curious to see if it happens this month as I have had a hunch we would have a November baby since before we started trying. Which if I get pregnant this week I would be due November 15th. I also have this gut feeling our first will be a girl so I will keep you all posted, wish me luck.