legal help!

I've had issues with my baby daddy since the day I found out I was pregnant. He's an alcoholic , past drug abuser now her getting help. Recently he brought up that he won't be able to help out with child support because he's broke and what not, he's also been seeking legal advice. He just recently went back to work and getting a steady paycheck so idk why he's saying that. He brought up the whole convo and it turned into a fight. I'm now concerned where I can find legal help for child support and custody. I don't trust him w my daughter once she's born due to alcohol abuse and I'm scared she will be taken away from me because I won't be able to afford a lawyer. I live in California. Would u guys still allow him to be in delivery room? Or should I keep him away since idk what he will use against me anymore. Does anyone have any advice they offer me. Please and thank you!