Does anyone here speak Chinese?

So my Chinese sucks and when it comes to medical Chinese it's non existent. In my last Check up they told me that the baby is low. But the more I look at the translation I got online it seems that it might be the placenta. Which leads me to thinking of placenta prévia. If anyone can accurately translate the following sentence and give me the actual meaning I would really appreciate it. 
胎盘附着于子宫后壁,成熟度0级,厚约2.1cm . 胎盘边缘位于宫颈内口。      
.The placenta after attached to the uterine wall, maturity level 0, 2.1 cm thick. The placenta edge is located in the intracervical mouth.
I'm assuming the first parts means that the placenta is attached to the back side of the uterine wall. (后)
"The placenta edge is located in the intracervical mouth".. this sentence bothers me. 
Any ideas?