Nervous. Is he hiding something?

Okay to make a long story short, Bf and i been dating 1.4 years (broke up once for about 3-4 weeks, he moved out of my condo, we got back together, cause of breakup- i found him talking to a mutual friend (girl) about hooking up and that i was okay with it, he also told this girl that she wasnt fat and compared her to me TELLING HER MY WEIGHT (which is sadly 210lbs, its always bothered me and he lnew that) and i also found him talking to his ex (too friendly for the type and reason of their breakup) and another girl which in the end when i asked him that we could try again and he wouldnt have to move out only if he forfieted all ties with her, which he choose not to.) Now we are back together and I am obviously still nervous and doubtful cause i was heartbroken about everything and now its the trust that he has to gain back...I found in his history that he was checkig the online girls gaming profile (twitch) and also the mutual friend's instagram profile. Hes told me he doesnt talk to them and or want to but he still doesnt let me look at his ohone unless he is showing me. And! when we went to the movies he kept checking his phone..LIKE PUT THE PHONE AWAY! We live now 40mins apart and im in university and he works full time, i come down to see him for the weekends and then leave for school. he has not yet made his way to my place and i feel like theirs no effort on his side :( i also pay for all our outings and dates rn due to him not workig for a few months :/ advice?