Silicone cup is my new love!!!! Can I get an AMEN?!

I never knew my heavy flow periods could be so peaceful!!!! I bought a set of two silicone cups on amazon a year and a half ago and I AM IN LOVE! (2 is more than I need but I do enjoy knowing I have a backup)

It takes a few months to get used to... (just like it did learning to use pads or tampons) But the reward is more than worth it!!!!!!! My periods are steadily getting lighter for some reason and I actually forget it's my period for like... over an hour at a time... on my heaviest day!!!! NEVER EVER EVER could I have said that before! I'm 32 and wish I had started this at 13! It's better for swimming and running and... pooping. Okay maybe it's just me but I had major issues with tampon strings and wiping, many a tampon was wasted 😭

Now for money... I am saving a TON! Three panty liners a month and ZERO increase in toilet paper usage during my cycle! One cup lasts 10 years with proper care! I want to get reusable liners or period underwear for those first two days... then I spend nothing on my periods! Yeeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!