Dilemma: safe to travel when pregnant after past history of miscarriage?

Geraldine • Mum to be! Rainbow baby 🌈
So my husband and I are looking to travel mid March. Maybe to Italy. My period is due 7th march and I feel I just get pregnant and my period won't show up. I had a miscarriage and so I will need to be in our home country for care and attention at my hospital given my history. If I know I'm pregnant before we travel, do you think it's okay I still go or not? 
Is it really unsafe? I know I should check with my doctor but we need to buy the tickets now and I need to wait and see if my period shows up or not lol. We will go
For 10 days. I will definitely find out before leaving. Do I cancel my trip and focus on my care or it's safe to go?