Period control

Hey y'all!!!!! So I am just checking out my period schedule and I am on birth control (which makes it about 100% accurate prediction) - but I still like to use the app to have a visual of when things are gonna go down so I can sort of plan my life. 
Unfortunately life planned itself and the next two periods fall exactly on the dates I need to be free. And one will be during a camping trip.... 
Any suggestions on how I can safely alter my birth control pill consumption to either shift my period back one week or ahead one week just so I don't have to deal with all the things in the wild. Also on my period right now (tmi haha) ... I'm worried to screw something up majorly and just wanted to see if anyone has ever done anything like this before and whether I am risking having serious side effects from whatever it is that I need to do.. please help. Here's a TMI of my cycle because I don't care who sees it but it might give you a good reference. 
Thank you in advance !!!!!!!