Primrose Oil (EPO) and a month of spotting

Mags • Veteran & military spouse. Obsessed with our dog and our cat is an asshole.
Ready to tear my hair out and would love any advice or even just to hear if it's happened to anyone else!!
I have one small fibroid and it's next to the ovary I ovulated from this month--so that may play a part.
My hormones have been out of whack for... well, ever.
This month, I decided to try Evening Primrose Oil to help regulate them.
I LOVED IT at first. Oh my god. My cycle was perfect, I had energy, I felt fantastic AND had such an amazing amount of fertile CM.
And now, 5 days later...I'm really @@$@?-@:& over the spotting.  I even had 2 days of clots! I had to put my Diva cup in!
The spotting isn't showing signs of slowing down and I really don't need a reminder that my body has rejected yet another attempt at regulating her hormones.
Thanks, body. Jerk face.
Has anyone else ever had this reaction from EPO??
We have our (in)fertility follow up next month, so I'm not concerned enough to go to the doc. I just want to know if this is because of the EPO. Should I not take it next. I think? I really loved it for the first 14 days :(
And yes, I stopped taking it after I ovulated, as directed.