Is it just me or...

Lededra D • Hey, I am 26 years of age. Me and my better half have being trying to Concieve for 6 years. Hopefully we'll be able to get our little blessing.
Is it just me or is the longer I live the less morals the generations after me have. Even those of my age or older than me are falling victim to this "Can't nobody judge me but God" kind of mentality. What I don't get is, if you know that God is the ultimate judger, then why on purposely commit the sin? Don't you all know that your body is not your own. You are the property of God. Each day of your life you should strive to live as He commanded you to live, serving, praising and growing in His word. Yes, we all fall short, but we are to repent, get up and turn from that sin. Not repent on today, do again tomorrow, repent, do it again, repent do it again. You are only damning yourself. You was not created to go out get drunk, sleep with as many people as you want, sleep with who or what you want, you was not created to be a pill popper, a flesh cutter, or an adulterous person. You was not created to harbor hatred or divorce and marry 30 other times. You was created for so much more. If you want to find that place that peace that you was created for just turn yourself over to Jesus. He'll right your path, and show you the way. Please don't be of this world, but instead begin your press towards heaven. I love you all. Be blessed and I'm here to be a vessel for the Lord, I'll help anyway I can if you want help in how to live for Christ.