I'm a step mom and I haven't been able to meet my step daughter. She's 4 years old and from videos I've seen she seems to be every bit of a goober as my husband. She's asked to meet me but she's not allowed cause her mom is an evil c**t (I hate that word but it fits this evil woman perfectly). My husband has been battling this vile woman for years, long before I came along. Now we're married, I'm 14 weeks pregnant and all of our funds are going to these battles and virtually nothing is being saved for my little one. I feel myself going into momma bear mode and I kinda feel like my child is having to do without because everyone is wrapped up in this dilemma and we haven't bought anything to prepare for this baby because this ensuing battle is taking everything we have. Please know, I'm not meaning to sound selfish. I want to be a part of this little girls life, I want to meet her, I want her to get to know her new sibling. However, this stress is taking over me and right now I want to put my foot down and say enough is enough for now. I'm a child from a broken home, I know what this little girl is going through and its horrible. I feel that we will be unprepared for when the baby gets here. I feel like I can't enjoy this pregnancy cause there is this dark depressive cloud looming from all this. I want to be supportive, I'm trying so hard to be, but at the same time I want to enjoy being pregnant without this stress. What can I do? Has anyone else been through this? I need a hug.