Another month, another BFN 😭

Brittany • Happily married with three kiddos.
Just need a space to vent...
My husband and I have been TTC #3 for awhile now. This will more than likely be our last. Our youngest is nearly 6. We conceived both of our children immediately within two months of trying. This time is taking so much longer. Four cycles in and we are still trying. I feel incredibly selfish for saying that because I know so many people who have struggled for years. However, we just assumed it would be as easy as the last pregnancies. I can't help the way I feel though because of our past ability to conceive quickly. 
Any other mamas feel me? 
This month felt different. I would have bet my last dollar that we conceived this month. My husband thought so too. I used an ovulation kit for the first time in my life. AF is due in two days. Four days ago I had random spotting. It would come and go. I thought FOR SURE it was implantation bleeding. I experienced this when I was pregnant with my youngest. Took a test on Tuesday, BFN. Decided to wait until today to test again. I have continued to have random pinkish/brown spotting. Took a test this morning and BFN. A few moments ago, the bleeding appeared heavier like AF. 
Just sitting here in bed before my morning workout crying tears of sadness. My heart just hurts. Praying for all the mamas out there who are patiently waiting on your BFPs and more importantly, your precious babies. 💜