Early Ultrasounds

How do you all get these early ultrasounds? I'm kinda jealous! I go in on March 6th, but that's only for the preliminary appointment. Then I have to wait until March 20th for my first ultrasound!!
For my first pregnancy there was no preliminary appointment. I remember having to wait awhile for my ultrasound, but it's driving me crazy waiting so long! 
How do I know everything will be okay until then? I haven't suffered a miscarriage, so I don't even know what to look for if that happens. I assume cramps or bleeding, but would I know if I've had one before my ultrasound? 
My best friend went through 3, and with 2 of them she didn't even know until her ultrasound where they found no heartbeat. I can't imagine waiting until next month thinking all is okay, and then that happens. How heartbreaking.
I guess I'm looking for some reassurance or advice with how to cope until then!
Thanks in advance ❤