Help! from people who believe in star signs.

Hi there!Pls only comment if you believe in star signs , as I already feel dumb enough asking this lol. The reason I'm talking about star signs in this post is because I feel that this is a trait that is so relevant to Pisces. So my Pisces boyfriend of two years and I have a great relationship - most of the time.Sometimes (rarely but it still happens!) he suddenly goes from being madly in love to completely shutting down and pushing me away and claims he needs space. I understand it's in his nature and I'm currently giving him space after we had a huge fight over it. I have anxiety and tend to overthink and when I get scared because I feel he is being a little distant I tend to cling on even more, but it's a habit I'm working on and by giving him space now I am trying to show him I can change. 
We haven't seen each other in four days but we do occasionally text, I always start the conversation and he is a little cold, but better each day. He does say I love you back when I say it.
I was wondering how much time I should wait and if I should wait for him to try to see me or if I should maybe go see him?
Has anyone else experienced this?Let me know your thoughts!