Opk and pregnancy question

Ok ladies...so my fiance and i have been ttc since Oct 2016...and if u have seen previous post i can be a little impatient...anyways up until this cycle i have been going off of Glow to determine my highest peak of fertility and would baby dance ab every other day if not every day during my fertile week...well this cycle i decided to use the clearblue ovulation kit and determined that the day Glow said i was @ highest peak was inaccurate...my highest leak turned out to be 4 days later according to the test...so obviously we BD the "2 most fertile days"...i know it can take months if not yrs to conceive but im very curious to kno if anyone has used the clearblue ovulation kit and conceived on the first try or how many tries it took to get your BFP...i started using the First Response but they all looked the same...i hate blue dye test as far as pregnancy test but clearblue seemed to be easier to read and i could see a difference each day whereas i couldn't with FR...responses will be greatly appreciated bc i am very very curious to kno other ppl's experiences and results