help... not sure what he's doing...

Hey guys... so me and my bf of three years had a misunderstanding end of last months.. today makes a month that I've seen him.. I called myself giving him some Space.. during this time apart he's had surgery n is dealing with a dying grandmother.. I figured he would want me around during this time but instead he's grown distant... he's barely answering calls n only replies to text about his granny's status and his recovery from surgery. He won't answer any relationship questions.. he keeps telling me "we will work it out" or "we will talk soon" when I ask about the status of our relationship. I'm scared that he's breaking it off for good with me or I'm just being impatient.. anybody been in this situation before and what was the outcome.. I forgot to mention when the fight broke out he said "I'm tired of hurting u.. u deserve more". This has to do with him being a workaholic n me feeling like he's not available enough at times.. not cheating ..