l have some bleeding and cramping

Hi, I am 5 wk and 5 days after l had miscarriage 9 months ago at the week 13. Two days ago I am starting a little bleeding like every 3or4 hrs I have 5 or 10 ml of bleeding, I went to my doctor and she did blood work to see the hcg level it was 7000, then she told me to go to the Er. They did ultrasound and told me we saw just the sac they did not see the fetus yet, and they told me you need to wait and take a rest. Today I have to repeat my blood work to see the hcg level is increasing or not. From yesterday night until today morning nothing just cramping. I am sorry for this long post. I want to know if anyone had the same results and what do you think is that normal or not?😢😢😢😢