how do u make this type of relationship work

I need advice. I'm 18 with a baby & felt like I'll never date again since I have a baby. "Who wants a girl with a child?" Is what I use to always think. I met a great guy that actually likes me because he think I'm a great mother, he's 21 & thinks it's attractive lol I found that odd but whatever. The thing is idk how to make this work. I don't want any temporary men around my daughter, you know? I don't want her falling in love with him thinking he's her father (she's 3 months) & one day he just vanish because we break up. How would people look at us when they find out she isn't his baby but he's taking care of her? They'll think I'm just with him because I need help, which isn't true. I just think society will really judge us especially since we're only in college. Idk if I should date him or just tell him no