I love my doctor!

Rachel • Two angel babies in heaven ❤️❤️, Rainbow baby boy born September 2017 💙🌈
Yesterday I had my first ultrasound with our rainbow baby after losing two babies last year. The baby had a strong heartbeat and measured right where they should be at 7 weeks! I was a wreck before the appointment with so much anxiety that something would go wrong like it did before but everything turned out great. My doctor even scheduled me for ultrasounds every week for the next month so I would remain calm and know that everything was ok. For my first pregnancy we heard the heartbeat at 7 weeks and then when we came back at 12 the baby had stopped growing but I had no idea because I still had all my pregnancy symptoms. So needless to say, it's sort of expected that I'm going to be nervous for a while! But for now I feel so happy and relieved! Can't wait to meet our rainbow on October 13th! 🌈