Just need to vent


So my boyfriend and I had sex and it was by far the worst we've had. I'm not too worried, because normally it's great, but that just makes the bad times feel even worse, you know?

But of course this time he had to ask how it was after. We're pretty honest with each other, so I said it wasn't that great. He kept stopping in the middle and it killed the mood. So then he seemed pissed off that I said I didn't enjoy it, saying he didn't either and blamed me for drying up and commenting on how he does all the work. I was down to ride him at first but he wanted to get on top. Now I feel like things are a little tense.

My period is due soon and I'm a little overly emotional right now, so this bothers me a lot more than it really should, and I just wanted to get it off my chest.