cytotec failed orally-on to vaginal today😩

Turns out getting pregnant was EASY but this is the pregnancy from hell. Got pregnant on the first try which was remarkable. But things were off from the beginning...slow rising hcg levels....small gestational sacs on first TVUS and after 2 more US-no fetal pole or yolk sac aka blighted ovum diagnosis at 8 weeks:/
Mind you my hips already widening and now my clothes don't fit from bloating and pregnancy.
Ok so doc says do cytotec orally. I took off thurs and fri from work and thank god i did! Yesterday i Took 2 pills every 4 hours 4 times and I got alllll the side effects: chills, sweats, shakes, extreme nausea and only a slight amount of old blood and no cramping and no bright red clots😑
I call doctor and say hey in addition to this not working i am A- blood type-don't i need rhogam? Why yes you do! Come in tmrw! Uhhh to docs office and did the shot and they hand me another rx for vaginal cytotec.insert4 now and 4  in 12 hours if it doesnt work.
I can't take this. I bought a monostat kit just for the applicatorand shoved those things as far up as i could. This better fucking work bc I really do not want to waste 4 days of my life of nausea cramps and bleeding just to get a d and c anyway!!!
This is making me rethink getting back on the baby train. I have had more blood work tests and shots now then i have in the past 5 years combined and this miscarriage inducing  medication is total bullshit.
Sorry for venting. Please comment on anycytotec experiences  if you have them, it makes me feel less alone