Am I a crazy? What pregnant woman would do this?



Today, my husband finds out last minute a friend from his home town is visiting the area with his wife coming from New York to San Diego.(where we live) He wants to meet up and go out. My husband asked me If it was okay this morning. I said yes thinking it would just be dinner or something. Now it seems to be turning into me being the DD for all of us to go out for dinner, drinks, and live music, plus entertain them at our place earlier in the evening. Mind you we have two birthing classes this weekend that are 9-3 both Saturday & Sunday and I'm 33wks pregnant. I've been complaining all week about how I'm not going to get to sleep in this weekend and now this. I can barely stay up past 9pm and he expecting us to be back home by 11'ish. I kind of freaked and was like are you forgetting I'm pregnant and uncomfortable all the time now? Trying to be cool cause I know what it's like to have friends visit, but why was this so last minute?! How do I handle this gracefully?