Antidepressants during Pregnancy?

Brittany • wife to henry, mama to norah + chloe
Hello ladies, before I fell pregnant with my rainbow baby I was on a slew of medications for bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, ADHD, along with PCOS. The medications I was on I stopped immediately when I found out I was pregnant at 3w5d. I did suffer SEVERE withdrawals and suffered through them for two weeks. Now I saw my semi-new psychiatrist on Wednesday (02/22/17) and she REFUSES to give me an antidepressant. She said her beliefs are that a mother shouldn't be on any medication during pregnancy especially the first three months. I understand where she's coming from because I'm all for a natural pregnancy but I suffered from severe depression and anxiety along with suicidal thoughts and self harm. When I was on my medication I never once thought about suicide or had panic attacks. Now that I'm pregnant and have suffered a miscarriage before I am stressed out and having panic attacks. Am I in the wrong for being pissed off with her? I'm terrified to become depressed and incapable of enjoying this pregnancy. Should I find a new doctor? They're also forcing me to see a counselor since I'll be off my medications.  I'm currently 5w2d. Also I cannot take Zoloft  because it makes my depression worse!